| Created: 22/08/07 | Last update: 16:33 22/08/07
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Amps In Action - 02

New 22/6/06
Gun guitar from Miami Herald
New 22/6/06
Tiny rotary speaker
Booker Twin
Booker Twin, US
Watkins Dominator-V, UK
Watkins Dominator-V, UK

Good dispersion.
Darren's <I>Cookie</I>, NZ
Darren Inwood's “Cookie”, NZ
New: 6/10/06
Motionsound KP100S (stereo)
A Motionsound KP100S (stereo) - a bigger version of the Watkins Dominator-V shown above.
Matchless with volcano and palm trees Matchless Recycled projector case amp
New 22/6/06
A sweet little Magnatone at Grouse Guitars
A muso's room
Eminar and ephemera

Tempo front   Ornate fretwork, polished burlwood

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Usually Lucy playing Bobin Hall
Usually Lucy play Bobin Hall, via Wingham NSW
6x 807 Amp chassis
This really is a homebrew guitar amplifier
Source: Dogzilla
Sarah's amp front   Sarah's amp rear
The amp Sarah built, US. Girrrls can build amps too. Not graceful, but solid and slightly Goth.
Something to do with old railway sleepers. Note the baseplate-style amp construction.

Hi Roly,
Please find attached a blow up from a proof sheet taken in 1970 of band equipment. This was set up for a publicity photo and a heap of kids appeared from nowhere and wanted to “have a go”.

Click for blow-up, 182kb jpg

From L to R a Goldentone 60 piggy back head on top of 2 quad boxes the design apprearing in EA from memory in the 60's. (they had 4 x MSP speakers which didn't fare too well next to the 4 x Celestions 25M's in the Eminar Cab. The Eminar was a 150 watt model with 4 x 6CA7's.

On the ground is the EA 100w KT 88 PA amp with a Fender preamp (circuit from Jack Darr's Book) with a 200w transistorised Claybridge PA head resting on top.

Next a Simms Watt 100w bass amp then another Eminar 150w with two columns (for guitar) with the Claybridge PA columns either side. Amazingly the Claybridge could just keep up with all that valve power.

Also attached is an action shot taken in 68 showing a Strauss bass amp 80 or 100w, and a Trent with a Canora “Diamond” guitar with a Hofner humbucker fitted. I'm afraid the guitar abuser is me... wagging school again...

Peter Hutchison

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